The Adventures of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin) is a comic book series by Belgian artist Georges Remi (1907-1983), who created the pseudonym Hergé. The first series was in French in Le Petit Twentieth, children's supplement of the Belgian daily newspaper published The Twentieth Century, 10 January 1929. The success of the series saw the tapes go into production as a series of 24, turn into a successful magazine and adapted for film, radio, television and theater. The series is one of the most popular European comics of the 20th Century, sold worldwide with translations into over 80 languages and more than 350 million books published date.Its popularity has attributed her "universal appeal and its ability to transcend," Time, language and culture. " The Bangla version of Tintin Published By Ananda Publishers Kolkata.Here i found some pdf Book Download link of Tintin Bangla Series.I'm not the original uploader of this books.I found them on internet. Read more
3 Books