Shabd Book -

Nil Ghurni | Bengali Historical Novel | Bangla Upanyas

Dinesh Chandra Chattopadhyay

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Completed on 21 August 2023
ISBN : 9788183743563
Also available on Amazon

A historically poignant novel based around the Indigo Revolt that arose in Bengal in 1859 . A group of peasant farmers banded together against the ruthless British planters and their exploitative practices in indigo cultivation. Though subjected to the most horrific torture yet the farmers were resilient in their demands. Nil Ghurni is a tale of once such troop of farmers who took up arms against the bold and mighty. A moving and gripping novel written in Dinesh Chandra Chattopadhyay's magical penmanship ! Read more 

Nil Ghurni Bengali Historical Novel Bangla Upanyas


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