“How did I come to write? Why write at all, or must one write if their father and brother were writers? If I had not written, would Bengali literature have missed out? Now I feel as though my surroundings incited the burning desire in me to write. I
Music pervades each nook and cranny of our massive country, India. Varied genres, forms, instruments come together in this unifying mélange that transcends the barriers of language, age caste and region. Raja Bhattacharjee, known to take keen interes
Rooh is an artist who paints dreams of an utopian world on his canvas – a world free of hatred, war, envy and war; a world enchanted by love and compassion. In all his dreams, his constant trooper is a magician who leads the way. Rooh traverses throu
With 2 brain-tickling novels, Jongole Jyanto Pathor has the sleuthing duo of Jogumama & Tuklu blaze a trail through Russia and Chilapata forest as they investigate eerie deaths and connect the dots of what will come to be a global scandal! When thing
Book of poetry and lyrics.
এখানে আমি ধর্ম নিয়ে মানবতা ও ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতা নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছি।
Learn from my book this is very easy to use and easy to understand I have written this for the students who wants to learn easily English grammar and rule.
I have written this book for the student who wants to learn translation from Bengali to English. If you attentively read this book you must speak and write English sentences easy.