Meaning of স্তূপ in Bangla
Meaning of স্তূপ in English
English usage of স্তূপ
- the arts center is an agglomeration of theaters, galleries, shops, restaurants and bars
- the arts center is an agglomeration of theaters, galleries, shops, restaurants and bars
- territorial questions bulked large in diplomatic relations
- whiffs of ground coffee and a congeries of smells
- Drawing closer, you could see the clutter of centuries of Buddhist veneration: stupas , Buddha images and incense-blackened shrines.
- Drawing closer, you could see the clutter of centuries of Buddhist veneration: stupas , Buddha images and incense-blackened shrines.
Articles Related to ‘স্তূপ’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন