Meaning of బిచ్చగాడు in Bangla
- ইতিমধ্যে তাঁর আরও
- ভিক্ষুক
- ভিখারি লোক
- অধম
- নি: স্বতা
- বেষ্টন করা
- ধূলি ধূসরিত করা
- নারাজ হত্তয়া
- রূষ্ট হত্তয়া
- প্রবঁচক
Meaning of బిచ్చగాడు in English
English usage of బిచ్చగాడు
- poor little beggars
- the stipend was a beggarly $26
- they have no benefits to stand between them and beggary
- We possess 6000 square meter factory with modern management and equipments, which is begird by beautiful surrounding.
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- paint flaking from begrimed walls
- she begrudged Martin his affluence
- she begrudged Martin his affluence
Articles Related to ‘బిచ్చగాడు’
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