Meaning of పునరుత్పత్తి in Bangla
- পুনর্জীবিত করা
- পুনরাবৃত্ত
- জ্যোতি সিং পান্ডে
- দ্বিজ
- পুনর্জাত
- ঘটার সম্ভবনা
- পুণরায়
- পুনরূত্থানকারী
- পুনর্জন্ম
- পুনরূত্পাদনকারক
- নবজীবন লাভ করিতেছে এমন
- নিন্দন
- পুনরায় প্রক্রিয়া
- পুনর্গঠন
- পুনরুত্পাদন
- বংশবৃদ্ধিকারক
- প্রজনন
- গঠনকর
- প্রতিলিপি
- জনন
- জন্মদায়ক
- প্রজননগতভাবে
- ফটো কপি করার
- অবক্ষয়হীন
- অপরিবর্তিত
- অপ্রতিরোধ্য
- অপ্রতিরোধ্যতা
Meaning of పునరుత్పత్తి in English
English usage of పునరుత్పత్తి
- It did not pain me instead it revived, reanimated and retrieved me.
- bombers were gathered together to re-enact the historic first air attack
- a crab in the process of regenerating a claw
- a crab in the process of regenerating a claw
- a crab in the process of regenerating a claw
- a crab in the process of regenerating a claw
- natural regenerative processes
- the regeneration of inner cities
- renascent fascism
- the costs of reprocessing radioactive waste
- a concert performance cannot reproduce all the subtleties of a recording
- a concert performance cannot reproduce all the subtleties of a recording
- a concert performance cannot reproduce all the subtleties of a recording
- the logo should be easily reproducible
- a concert performance cannot reproduce all the subtleties of a recording
- the cost of color reproduction in publication is high
- the cost of color reproduction in publication is high
- the female reproductive system
- Raster-Vision is specialized in management and reproduction of documents and in reprography , scanning, microfilms, electronic files, archiving.
Synonyms of ‘పునరుత్పత్తి’
Antonyms of ‘పునరుత్పత్తి’
Articles Related to ‘పునరుత్పత్తి’
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