Meaning of ధోరణి in Bangla
- ঝোঁক
- প্রবণতা
- প্রবণতাজনক
- কোমল
- কোমলতা
- প্রবণতাজনকভাবে
- প্রবণতাযুক্ত
- কোমলভাবে
- টেন্ডিং
- কর্কশভাবে
Meaning of ధోరణి in English
English usage of ధోరణి
- the child's surroundings provide clues to help in orientation
- her hair tended to come loose
- the tendance of the good-natured landlady
- her hair tended to come loose
- criminal tendencies
- criminal tendencies
- a tendentious reading of history
- her hair tended to come loose
- an upward trend in sales and profit margins
- I enjoyed being able to go out and buy trendy clothes
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