Meaning of క్షీణత in Bangla
- ক্ষয়িষ্ণুতা
- অপকৃষ্ট করা
- অপকৃষ্টতা
- হীনমুল্য করা
- অবক্ষয়
- অধ: পতিত
- অধ: পতিত অবস্থা
- প্রস্তনতা
- স্থগন
- ধ্বংসকরণ
- ডিক্লেয়ার
- শব্দরুপ
- পতনের
- বিষুবলম্ব
- স্বশ্রেণীচু্যত
- পতন
- অস্বীকার
- উতরাই
- দুরারোহ
- চল
- শিরশ্ছেদতা
- বর্ণহীনতা
- জরাজীর্ণ
- জরাজীর্ণতা
- হ্রাসশীল
- শায়িতাবস্থা
- আপজাত্য
- ডিগ্লেসিয়েশান
- গলাধঃকরণ
- অধ: পতন
- অধ: পতনশীল
- পদাবনতি
- অচপল
- বিনয়ীতা
- গ্রাসতা
- শূন্যকর
- প্রতিনিধিবর্গ
- ক্ষয়
- ঘর্ষণজনিত ক্ষয়
- হ্রাস
- বিবর্ণ
- নিচে নেমে
- অস্থিরতা
- উদাসীনতা
Meaning of క్షీణత in English
English usage of క్షీణత
- without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
- without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
- the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
- the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
- he denounced Western decadence
- History tells us that decadent cultures which have lost the will to fight do not survive.
- a deceleration in economic growth
- our growing hunger for fish has resulted in the decimation of fish stocks
- the declension of the new generation
- Also every month, the Moon will reach its minimum declination at 18 north or south.
- a serious decline in bird numbers
- a thickly wooded declivity
- a thickly wooded declivity
- a decrepit old drunk
- he had passed directly from middle age into decrepitude
- the keen-sighted watcher may catch a glimpse of the slender decrescent moon
- a slide into moral degeneracy
- a slide into moral degeneracy
- overgrazing has caused serious degeneration of grassland
- Glaciation and deglaciation of the continents are important mechanisms for changing the volume of water in ocean basins.
- esophageal pressure peaks induced by a single deglutition
- You repay the amount borrowed with a degressive repayment plan.
- too many demotions would weaken morale
- I shared a compartment with a child and his demure governess
- the depletion of the ozone layer
- a deterioration in the condition of the patient
- Accurate reproduction of shadow masks is achieved with minimized detrition of the tooling.
- the disease shows no signs of diminution
- The device features six channel faders, two master faders , an integrated routing system, and comprehensive monitoring and talkback facilities for control room and studio.
- a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully
- forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to
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