Meaning of ఆందోళన in Bangla
- উমান
- ক্ষুব্ধ
- উদ্বেগজনক
- চাগাড়
- আন্দোলনে
- আন্দোলনের
- বিরোধ
- উদ্বেগ
- আবশ্যকতা
- চিন্তিত
Meaning of ఆందోళన in English
English usage of ఆందోళన
- the thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely
- she was red and agitated with the effort of arguing
- the thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely
- she was wringing her hands in agitation
- he was too antsy to stay in one place for long
- he felt a surge of anxiety
- the story concerns a friend of mine
- matters of great public concernment
- he is worried that we are not sustaining high employment
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