Meaning of வீசுகிறது in Bangla
- ফুঁ
- হাতাহাতি
- আলুখালু
- প্রক্ষেপ করা
- ছিটিয়ে দেয়
- ছুড়ে ফেলে
- ওয়েফিং
Meaning of வீசுகிறது in English
English usage of வீசுகிறது
- a cold wind began to blow
- a cold wind began to blow
- a blowsy woman wearing Bermuda shorts and a Bally's sweatshirt
- rioters hurled a brick through the windshield of a car
- what he needs is a good thrashing
- I threw a brick through the window
- the smell of stale fat wafted out from the cafe
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