Meaning of தாவல்கள் in Bangla
- জাম্প
- ট্যাবর্ডস
- ট্যাবি
- তাবার
- ট্যাব
- তাবিস
- তবলা
- জঘন্য
- ট্যাবলেট
- ট্যাবুরেটস
Meaning of தாவல்கள் in English
English usage of தாவல்கள்
- the cat jumped off his lap
- He was wearing boots, blue trousers and a distinctive fluorescent sleeveless tabard .
- There are tabbies and toms in white, black, grey and ginger.
- If no other symptoms of tabes can be found, it is an eye lesion.
- Thus, when you mix the hypnotic qualities of dance music with the mystical range of Indian tablas , you open up the doors for interesting experimentation.
- Dance bands have varied from the medieval one-man band of pipe and tabor to the small symphony orchestras of Johann Strauss.
- get tips on learning how to read guitar tab
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