Meaning of தவறு in Bangla
- দোষে
- সাঙ্ঘাতিক ভুল
- প্রাচীন বন্দুক
- ভুল করা
- গণ্ডমূর্খ
- জড়ভরত
- প্রেরিত বার্তা
- ভ্রমণরত
- ভ্রমণ
- পথ ভ্রষ্ঠ হয়ে গেল
- বিপথগামী
- নিষ্পন্ন
- দোষ
- গুনা করা
- দোষ ধরে যে
- ছিদ্রান্বেষী
- ত্রুটিপূর্ণ
- অপভ্র্রংশ
- ভুল
- অন্যায়
- ক্রোনার
- অন্যায় করা
- ভুলরেল
Meaning of தவறு in English
English usage of தவறு
- I blundered on in my explanation
- Arrived outside, they collected some blunderbusses , rifles and revolvers, and took up a position behind some sandhills.
- I blundered on in my explanation
- both her parents are supportive, if a bit blundering
- she asked Tim to run an errand for her
- he could never forgive his daughter's errant ways
- the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible
- she took her erring husband back because she loved him and thought he would change
- my worst fault is impatience
- you cannot fault him for the professionalism of his approach
- a car with faulty brakes
- a car with faulty brakes
- a complex pattern of faulting
- a car with faulty brakes
- she made the mistake of thinking they were important
- I have done you a great wrong
- the head of the bank has denied any wrongdoing
- please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged
- please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged
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