Meaning of சூனியம் in Bangla
- কালো জাদু
- বাস্তবগুণ-রহিত
- যাদুমন্ত্রের
- বেদনাদায়ক
- যাদু করা
- জাদু
- জাদুকরী
Meaning of சூனியம் in English
English usage of சூனியம்
- In rural areas, difficulties in pregnancy are often blamed on evil spirits or black magic .
- Thus he seems to have been more like a Kantian believer in unknowable noumena than like a Vienna Circle proponent of the view that talk of God is not even meaningful.
- I don't know whether you believe in witchcraft, sorcery , black magic, and all that kind of thing.
- I don't know whether you believe in witchcraft, sorcery , black magic, and all that kind of thing.
- children and goods were believed to be vulnerable to the witchcraft of jealous neighbors
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