Meaning of கொலை in Bangla
- অবরুদ্ধ করা
- নরহত্যা
- হত্যা
- সন্ধ্যা
- সাবাড়
- হত্যার
- আঞ্চলিকতা
- হিংসা করা
- হনন
- বধ
Meaning of கொலை in English
English usage of கொலை
- “Belay that, mister. Man your post.”
- he was charged with homicide
- weed-killing
- somebody tried to murder Joe
- somebody tried to murder Joe
- somebody tried to murder Joe
- One would imagine this place to be a paradise of alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres , and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.
- St. George slew the dragon
- the slaying of a dragon
- he managed to slew the aircraft around before it settled on the runway
Articles Related to ‘கொலை’
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