Meaning of ஒழுக்கமற்ற in Bangla
- অনিয়ম
- অনুশাসিত
- অনুশাসন
- অশাসিত
- অনৈতিক
- অযৌক্তিক
- অনৈতিকভাবে
- নীতিবিরোধী
Meaning of ஒழுக்கமற்ற in English
English usage of ஒழுக்கமற்ற
- public concern about indiscipline in schools
- His footballing genius was never questioned, but back home he was known as an egomaniac who was undisciplined , uncontrollable and prone to flights of folly.
- Society regarded this victory over sex as its greatest triumph, and the historian readily admitted it, since the moral issue, for the moment did not concern who was studying the relations of unmoral force.
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