Meaning of ஒதுக்கீடு in Bangla
- বণ্টন
- বরাদ্দকরণ
- একগুচ্ছ
- বরাদ্দ
- অংশভাক্
- বাঁটা
- যথার্থ করার
- গ্রাহ
- ভাগ
- সত্য সত্যই
- অপরিশোধিত
- অননুমোদিত
Meaning of ஒதுக்கீடு in English
English usage of ஒதுக்கீடு
- he has been allocated a generous slice of the annual budget
- ticket allocation
- equal time was allotted to each
- the gadget shuts off the television set when a kid has used up his allotment
- They alleged that the allottees were changing land use without sanctions.
- equal time was allotted to each
- his images have been appropriated by advertisers
- the appropriation of parish funds
- the county is falling short of its quota of blood donations
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