Meaning of உடற்கூறியல் in Bangla
- শারীর
- শারীরস্থান
- দেহব্যবচ্ছেদ
- শারীরস্থানবিৎ
- সূক্ষ্ম বিশ্লেষণ করা
- আলসূক্ষ্ম বিশ্লেষণ করা
Meaning of உடற்கூறியல் in English
English usage of உடற்கூறியல்
- anatomical abnormalities
- Machiavelli's anatomy of the art of war
- It was, after all, the Italian anatomists and other anatomists working in Italy that originally taught us anatomy.
- They were not like Da Vinci, who would anatomize corpses to learn about the conformation of the human body.
- They were not like Da Vinci, who would anatomize corpses to learn about the conformation of the human body.
- They were not like Da Vinci, who would anatomize corpses to learn about the conformation of the human body.
- They were not like Da Vinci, who would anatomize corpses to learn about the conformation of the human body.
- Machiavelli's anatomy of the art of war
Synonyms of ‘உடற்கூறியல்’
Antonyms of ‘உடற்கூறியல்’
Articles Related to ‘உடற்கூறியல்’
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