Meaning of அழகான in Bangla
- সুন্দর
- কমনীয়
- চতুর
- আকর্ষক
- কৃশ
- টকটকে
- সুতনু
- থাবা
- সুদর্শন
- সুদৃশ্য
- কিছু ভালবাসো
- চমত্কার
- মনোরম
Meaning of அழகான in English
English usage of அழகான
- his beauteous bride
- a charming country cottage
- a cute kitten
- a cute kitten
- a tall, gaunt woman in black
- gorgeous colors and exquisite decoration
- she was a tall girl, slender and graceful
- a small handful of fresh cilantro
- elected by a handsome majority
- lovely views
- lovely views
- ‘A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot’, wrote the Manx poet, Thomas Edward Browne.
- a pretty little girl with an engaging grin
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