Meaning of அடக்கம் in Bangla
- সমাধি
- কবরস্থান
- লুকিয়ে রাখে
- সমাহিত করা
- মল মাটি চাপা
- অভিশাপ
- ক্ষতি
- সমাধিস্থ
- সমাহিতকরণ
- বিনয়
- পরাধীনতা
- দুর্বলতা
Meaning of அடக்கம் in English
English usage of அடக்கம்
- his remains were shipped home for burial
- his remains were shipped home for burial
- he buried the box in the back garden
- he buried the box in the back garden
- he buried the box in the back garden
- sins that risk eternal damnation
- If the Temple of the Sun is geometrical perfection, the Temple of the Condor, where mummified bodies were entombed , is its dynamic, artistic counterpart.
- the entombment of the Unknown Soldier
- the entombment of the Unknown Soldier
- with typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others
- with typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others
Articles Related to ‘அடக்கம்’
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