Meaning of હત્યા in Bangla
- হত্যা
- গুপ্তহত্যা
- দেবঘাতক
- ছোটোখাটো নোঙর
- হত্যাকাণ্ডের
- চেক-কাটা পশমী কাপড়ের কুঁচি দেওয়া ঘাগরা বা স্কার্টের মতো পোশাক
- সাবাড়
- নিহত
- বিলিয়ে
Meaning of હત્યા in English
English usage of હત્યા
- the organization's leader had been assassinated four months before the coup
- a failed assassination attempt
- a failed assassination attempt
- Lobsters were fished at that time using ‘set lines’ which were run straight out from shore and anchored at each end with a killick , a homemade anchor fashioned of rocks, sticks, and rope.
- weed-killing
- The village of Murma is in shock over the brutal killings of two young boys by their teacher.
- The abstract elements of beadwork patterns play a key role in flagging difference - like the tartan kilts of Scottish clans.
- somebody tried to murder Joe
- somebody tried to murder Joe
- St. George slew the dragon
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