Meaning of સ્થિરતા in Bangla
- দৃঢ়তা
- অত্যন্ত আধিক্য
- স্থায়িত্ব
- স্পস্টিটিটি
- ছুরি
- স্থিতিশীল
- স্থির করা
- অক্ষমতা
- স্থিতিশীলতা
- স্থবিরতা
- স্তম্ভ
- স্থবির
- স্থির
- স্থিরতা
- স্থিতি
- অটলতা
- ধারণক্ষমতা
- স্থানান্তরযোগ্যতা
Meaning of સ્થિરતા in English
English usage of સ્થિરતા
- Faithfulness, dedication, constancy and humility are some of the virtues needed to pray well.
- he paid a high price for his immoderation
- the clarity and permanence of the dyes
- Calder - genius, creator of the mobile and the stabile - was a splendidly practical character.
- the derelict buildings will require some structural stabilization
- there are fears for the political stability of the area
- there are fears for the political stability of the area
- the derelict buildings will require some structural stabilization
- The result was stagflation ; tighter monetary policy that did not reduce inflation, but it did lead to a small recession that increased unemployment.
- clotting in blood vessels is associated with stagnation of the blood
- by the beginning of May prices had steadied
- an isolated steading on the boundary of two parishes
- absolute stillness greeted our gaze
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