Meaning of સ્તનની ડીંટડી in Bangla
- চিবানো
- পকেটমার
- স্তনবৃন্ত
- নিপ্লুত্তর্ট
- জাউ
Meaning of સ્તનની ડીંટડી in English
English usage of સ્તનની ડીંટડી
- Miss Lucy is something of a desultory eater - a nibbler , as it were - which means that mealtime can take upwards of forty-five minutes.
- I was force-fed vegetables as a nipper
- rocks nippled with limpets
- When nipplewort occurs in the hedge bottom, plants are often found spreading into the arable field.
- she can't go to the gym or anywhere without being papped
Synonyms of ‘સ્તનની ડીંટડી’
Antonyms of ‘સ્તનની ડીંટડી’
Articles Related to ‘સ્તનની ડીંટડી’
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