Meaning of સરળતા in Bangla
- আরাম
- চিত্রফলক
- হওয়া সত্ত্বেও
- সহজ
- অনায়াস
- সরল্য
- সহজবোধ্য
- সহজভাবে
- ছলাকলাহীনতা
- সরলতা
- সরলীকরণ
- কপট সারল্য
- স্নিগ্ধতা
Meaning of સરળતા in English
English usage of સરળતા
- a huge road-building program to ease congestion
- The show is also a wonderful time to watch artists set up easels and paint for the crowds or sign posters and books.
- time brings easement
- time brings easement
- a huge road-building program to ease congestion
- A root word is usually called either a simple word or a simplex .
- for the sake of simplicity, this chapter will concentrate on one theory
- for the sake of simplicity, this chapter will concentrate on one theory
- he is proposing simplification of the planning system
- it was impossible to argue against that sort of simplism
- the evacuation went off with remarkable smoothness
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