Meaning of સમાવેશ in Bangla
- ঝড়ো
- অন্তর্ভুক্তি
- ইনক্লুশান
- আবেশন
- উদ্ঘাতন
- দিতে হচ্ছিল
Meaning of સમાવેશ in English
English usage of સમાવેશ
- walkers should be prepared for inclement weather
- federal legislation now mandates the inclusion of students who are English language learners
- federal legislation now mandates the inclusion of students who are English language learners
- the league's induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame
- periods of artistic involution
- he was imprisoned for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the government
Articles Related to ‘સમાવેશ’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন