Meaning of શારીરિક in Bangla
- পূর্বলক্ষণ প্রকাশ করা
- অলক্ষুণে
- সাকার
- অনঙ্গ
- শারীরিক
- জাগতিক
- আমাদের চিন্তা যদি দেহ
- সেনাবাহিনীর নিম্নপদস্থ নায়ক
- দেহধারী
- রক্তকণিকাকার
- দৈহিক
- চিকিত্সাবিজ্ঞান
- শারীরিকভাবে
- ঔষধ প্রয়োগ করা
- ফিজিও
- শারীরবৃত্তীয়
- দেহ
- স্ট্যামিনাল
- শিরা
Meaning of શારીરિક in English
English usage of શારીરિક
- their argument did not bode well for the future
- we are bodied beings
- a bodiless head
- children learn to control their bodily functions
- carnal desire
- Many encumbrances that our bodies endure, including detrimental ones like viruses, have an unwelcome and deeply altering effect on our already flimsy corporal authority.
- The Americans - three corporals and one private first class - were from the 4th Ranger Company and had volunteered for a classified mission.
- he was frank about his corporeal appetites
- fleshly pleasures
- a physic for wives to give to impotent husbands
- a whole range of physical and mental challenges
- I found her physically attractive
- he told Mrs. Webb he had physicked himself
- physiography
- physiological research on the causes of violent behavior
- a sturdy, muscular physique
- This is dependent upon accessing the capillaries, venules , and arterioles of the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.
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