Meaning of વિદેશી in Bangla
- বহিরাগত
- নির্বাসিত করা
- প্রবাসীদের
- দেশত্যাগ
- বিদেশী
- বিদেশীদের
- সংরক্ষণের সঠিক
- বিদেশ
- অদ্ভুত
Meaning of વિદેશી in English
English usage of વિદેશી
- they loved to visit exotic places
- candidates should be willing to expatriate
- candidates should be willing to expatriate
- candidates should be willing to expatriate
- candidates should be willing to expatriate
- a foreign language
- This foreigner was born in Japan, as were his parents.
- This foreigner was born in Japan, as were his parents.
- outlandish, brightly colored clothes
- overseas trips
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