Meaning of રોજગાર in Bangla
- চাকরী
- পাবার সুযোগ
- নিয়োগের য়োগ্য
- কর্মচারী
- প্রয়োজক
- চাকরি
- কর্মসংস্থান
- নিয়োগ
- দালালি
- পুনঃনিয়োগের
Meaning of રોજગાર in English
English usage of રોજગાર
- temps can be employed to do much of the work
- students with employable skills
- temps can be employed to do much of the work
- a fall in the numbers in full-time employment
- a fall in the numbers in full-time employment
- temps can be employed to do much of the work
- independent scrutiny will serve as a deterrent against jobbery
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