Meaning of રૂપક in Bangla
- অপ্রস্তুতপ্রশংসা দ্বারা বর্ণিত
- রুপকবর্ণনা
- রূপান্তরিত
- রুপান্তর করা
- রুপক
- রুপকশোভিত
- অনুবাদ করা
Meaning of રૂપક in English
English usage of રૂપક
- Pilgrim's Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey
- the shift from dead stillness to hurricane-force winds was as metamorphic as Jekyll to Hyde
- feed the larvae to your fish before they metamorphose into adults
- “I had fallen through a trapdoor of depression,” said Mark, who was fond of theatrical metaphors
- many of our metaphorical expressions develop from our perceptions of the body
- the sentence may be metaphrased into “what does homo sapiens wish to say by right?”
- the sentence may be metaphrased into “what does homo sapiens wish to say by right?”
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