Meaning of રાહત in Bangla
- বক্রতা
- ভাষা
- বিনোদন
- মুক্তি
- রিলিফ
- অব্যাহতিপ্রাপ্ত
- উপশম করা
- মুক্তিদান
- উচ্চাবচ প্রণালীতে গঠন
- পুনরায় আলো দেত্তয়া
- পুনরায় আলো দেত্তয়া
- রসাস্বাদন করার
- সুস্বাদ
- অবকাশ
- বিরতি
- জ্যোতি
- সান্ত্বনা
- দমন
Meaning of રાહત in English
English usage of રાહત
- Along with characterizing a plastic's bending properties, flexure can be used to evaluate aging and sterilization effects on a product.
- relaxation of censorship rules
- much to her relief, she saw the door open
- much to her relief, she saw the door open
- relieved parents who had waited anxiously for news
- the drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain
- the drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain
- he reached for the matches to relight his pipe
- he reached for the matches to relight his pipe
- he was relishing his moment of glory
- he was relishing his moment of glory
- the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering
- the refugee encampments will provide some respite from the suffering
- she sought solace in her religion
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