Meaning of માર્ગ in Bangla
- মার্গ
- উত্তরণ
- চলাচলের
- প্যাসেজ
- উপায় পাস
- পথ
- রাস্তা
- রেডিও
- রাস্তাঘাট
- রুট
- ট্র্যাক্ট
- ট্র্যাকেট
- ট্রড
- উপায়
- মুক্তির পথ
- পথচলা
Meaning of માર્ગ in English
English usage of માર્ગ
- there were moorings for boats wanting passage through the lock
- Visitors are instead corralled through a narrow passageway into the uninviting realms of the zoo shop.
- her hotel was at the end of a narrow passageway off the main street
- Up green hills and down dirt paths , he walks alongside flag-draped coffins to support grieving families, to comfort, and to mourn.
- Like the other known sections of the aqueduct system, it is covered with stone slabs, which would have served as a pathway for foot passengers.
- Like the other known sections of the aqueduct system, it is covered with stone slabs, which would have served as a pathway for foot passengers.
- he's well on the road to recovery
- Access to local land is a key function of local roads, whereas mobility, defined as moving traffic on longer trips, is a key function of national roadways such as Interstate Highways.
- all lines of communication were routed through Atlanta
- large tracts of natural forest
- Thomas's early discussion of the way theoretical sciences are distinguished from one another in the course of his exposition of the tractate of Boethius On the Trinity is masterful.
- there are two ways of approaching this problem
- All of them are conservative types, and think I'm weird and way-out for what I do and don't do when it comes to church and religion.
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