Meaning of માન્યતા in Bangla
- কৃতিত্ব আরোপ করা
- স্বীকৃতি
- আধিকারিক স্বীকৃতি
- যথার্থতা
- নিসৃষ্ঠ করা
- জুড়ে যাত্তয়া
- বিশ্বাস
- ক্যাননিকাল
- উপাধি
- তা
- ধর্মমত
- মিথট
- স্বীকার
- পরিচয়যোগ্যতা
- বৈধতা
- বদনাম
- সত্যতা
Meaning of માન્યતા in English
English usage of માન્યતા
- he was accredited with being one of the world's fastest sprinters
- a simple accreditation process
- a simple accreditation process
- he was accredited with being one of the world's fastest sprinters
- he was accredited with being one of the world's fastest sprinters
- ice that had accreted grotesquely into stalactites
- a belief that solitude nourishes creativity
- A grateful Senate voted him the cognomen Augustus, by which name he is generally known in the history books.
- she had a previous conviction for a similar offense
- he announced his credo in his first editorial
- I recognized her when her wig fell off
- she saw him pass by without a sign of recognition
- I recognized her when her wig fell off
- we did independent validations for studies of therapy
- one might question the validity of our data
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