Meaning of બાકાત રાખવું in Bangla
- প্রতিবন্ধক
- সমাজচু্যত করা
- কঠোর সমালোচনা করা
- বাকল তোলা
- দোষক্ষালন করা
Meaning of બાકાત રાખવું in English
English usage of બાકાત રાખવું
- all violators were to be pronounced excommunicate
- the papers that had been excoriating him were now lauding him
- the article exculpated the mayor
Synonyms of ‘બાકાત રાખવું’
Antonyms of ‘બાકાત રાખવું’
Articles Related to ‘બાકાત રાખવું’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন