Meaning of પરિશિષ્ટ in Bangla
- অভিযোজ্য বস্তু
- অভিযোজ্য বস্তু
- উপাঙ্গ
- অতিরিক্ত অংশরূপে সংযুক্ত,অতিরিক্ত অংশরূপে সংযুক্ত বস্তু
- খিল
Meaning of પરિશિષ્ટ in English
English usage of પરિશિષ્ટ
- The cover has changed, the map of Egypt is missing, and additions and corrections have been placed as an addendum on page 205 instead of directly in the text.
- The cover has changed, the map of Egypt is missing, and additions and corrections have been placed as an addendum on page 205 instead of directly in the text.
- they treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England
- Of course, if the aspect ratio of any metal plug is too large to be properly formed, an appendant metal ring is used to reduce the aspect ration of the metal plug.
- The axial elements were the least variable, the most proximal appendicular elements were in the middle range, and the more distal appendicular elements were the most variable.
- a list of such activities was published as an appendix to the report
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