Meaning of નિષ્ફળ in Bangla
- বিলুপ্ত
- হতাশ করা
- ব্যর্থ হয়েছে
- ব্যর্থতা
- অবস্থানে
- কোঁকড়ান
- অনুপ্রস্থ
- ব্যর্থ
- চালিত
- অব্যক্ত
Meaning of નિષ્ફળ in English
English usage of નિષ્ફળ
- a now defunct technology that only people over a certain age remember
- he failed in his attempt to secure election
- a failed coup attempt
- pride is a terrible failing
- the party fared badly in the spring elections
- he recoiled in horror
- he was thwarted in his desire to punish Uncle Fred
- he was thwarted in his desire to punish Uncle Fred
- he was thwarted in his desire to punish Uncle Fred
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