Meaning of નિવાસસ્થાન in Bangla
- বাসস্থান
- নিবেশিত
- নামান
- বিবাহ করা
- আবাস
- পবিত্র আত্মা বিহীন
- আতিথেয়তাশূন্য
- ভাড়াটে বাসা
- যে বাড়িতে ঘর ভাড়া দেওয়া হয়
- বাসা গ্রহণ
- সাময়িক আবাস
- তোয়ালে
Meaning of નિવાસસ્થાન in English
English usage of નિવાસસ્થાન
- the tenant is domiciled in the US
- the tenant is domiciled in the US
- he doused the car with gasoline and set it on fire
- he turned his back on the modernism he had espoused in his youth
- wild chimps in their natural habitat
- the Holy Spirit descended to indwell the believers
- the inhospitable landscape
- a fee for board and lodging
- they found a lodgment for the hook in the crumbling parapet
- They are there in case one day someone again wants to live in the house as a private residence and restore it to its original condition.
- she had sojourned once in Egypt
- we'd towel off and dress for dinner
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