Meaning of દૂર in Bangla
- দূরে
- একটি ভয়
- অজুহাত
- বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদী
- অবতরণ করা
- অপনোদন
- প্রশমিত
- নির্লিপ্ত
- এ পর্যন্ত
- দ্রুত
- অধিকতর
- আরও
- অভিভূতকারী
- অপসারণ
- অপসারিত
- পরিহার করা
Meaning of દૂર in English
English usage of દૂર
- our hero traveled afar
- an urban environment that would alienate its inhabitants
- he was the only passenger to alight from the train
- the report attempted to educate the public and allay fears
- he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it
- they were courteous but faintly aloof
- Bernice pushed him away
- the far reaches of the universe
- a fast and powerful car
- the far reaches of the universe
- she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness
- the removal of the brain tumor
- Customs officials removed documents from the premises
- he shunned fashionable society
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