Meaning of ખડકો in Bangla
- রেডিত্ততে বলা আকর্ষজনক গল্প
- ক্লিফ
- স্তর
- পরিখা
- ডুবো পাহাড়
- শিলা পড়ে
- শিলা
- শিলা স্লাইড
- পক্ষীবিশেষ
Meaning of ખડકો in English
English usage of ખડકો
- Of course, in keeping with the name of the program, each episode of each serial ended with a cliffhanger .
- a path along the top of rugged cliffs
- the upper echelons of the business world
- Its present appearance, a picturesque ruin surrounded by a wide moat full of water lilies, masks its serious military purpose.
- reefing the mainsail in strong winds
- a rock star
- Don't forget that, in the end, it's not lightning or rapids, avalanches or equipment, rockslides or icefalls that are going to get you.
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