Meaning of ઉછાળો in Bangla
- অস্থির হত্তয়া
- ধড়্ফড়্ করা
- আকস্মিকভাবে নিক্ষেপ
- সহসা লাফাইয়া উঠা
- ছোঁ
- উড়ন্ত
- দৌড়
- উত্সাহ
- উদ্বৃত্ত
Meaning of ઉછાળો in English
English usage of ઉછાળો
- the idea had flitted through his mind
- a flounced skirt
- a flounced skirt
- the pilot jounced the plane through turbulence
- the pilot jounced the plane through turbulence
- she looked like a vulture waiting to pounce
- he cut his finger, and blood spurted over the sliced potatoes
- the journalists surged forward
- Powerful lights made their white surplices glow like neon, and the pulpitted priest seemed to be borne aloft on a cloud of pure radiance.
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