Meaning of આભાસી in Bangla
- সামান্য বাতাস
- কিলিং
- সরলরেখাবদ্ধ
- ঋজুরেখ
- ধ্বজা
- ছদ্মবেশধারী
- সিমুলেটর
Meaning of આભાસી in English
English usage of આભાસી
- the ceremony retains an aura of mystery
- It proved the final blow for the Neptune; the ship slowly keeled over and sank.
- a rectilinear waveform
- a rectilinear waveform
- a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper
- a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper
- a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper
- jade simulants
- a driving simulator
Articles Related to ‘આભાસી’
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