Meaning of समाधि in Bangla
- সমাহিতকরণ
- দরগা
- রেলিকোয়্যারি
- রেলিকোয়্যারি
- সমাধি
- অতিচেতনতা
Meaning of समाधि in English
English usage of समाधि
- the entombment of the Unknown Soldier
- the entombment of the Unknown Soldier
- the cathedral was built in 1517 as a royal mausoleum
- the cathedral was built in 1517 as a royal mausoleum
- As the importance of saints and their relics increased, reliquaries and image-bearing objects, such as small statues, began to be placed upon the altar.
- As the importance of saints and their relics increased, reliquaries and image-bearing objects, such as small statues, began to be placed upon the altar.
- He said that for twenty years I had served him well, and that if I did five more years of tapas, religious austerity, I would achieve nirvikalpa samadhi (ultimate meditation).
- the rites of sepulture
- the rites of sepulture
Articles Related to ‘समाधि’
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