Meaning of सक्षम in Bangla
- সক্ষম
- উপযুক্ত
- সক্রিয়
- সক্ষম করা
- একটি মিশ্রন
- ক্ষমতায়ন
Meaning of सक्षम in English
English usage of सक्षम
- I'm quite capable of taking care of myself
- a highly competent surgeon
- an Internet-enabled TV
- the evidence would enable us to arrive at firm conclusions
- he would never be able to afford such a big house
- he would never be able to afford such a big house
- he would never be able to afford such a big house
- I'm quite capable of taking care of myself
- a highly competent surgeon
- nobody was empowered to sign checks on her behalf
- an Internet-enabled TV
Articles Related to ‘सक्षम’
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