Meaning of संक्रामक in Bangla
- সংক্রামক
- মহামারী-সংক্রান্ত
- সংক্রমিত
- আক্রান্ত হয় সংক্রমণকারী
- স্থানান্তরিত
- অবাধ্য
Meaning of संक्रामक in English
English usage of संक्रामक
- a contagious infection
- However, conjunctivitis caused by the common cold is very infectious and can spread rapidly between people.
- He had no infective , gastrointestinal, or respiratory symptoms and no arthralgias.
- the virus mutated into a form that was transmissible between humans
- his refusal to make child support payments was contumacious
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