Meaning of व्याख्यान in Bangla
- বক্তৃতা
- বক্তৃতাদান
- অধ্যাপনা
- পাঠ
- ওশো ভাষণ দেন
- ভেকচার
Meaning of व्याख्यान in English
English usage of व्याख्यान
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- a three-year lectureship in English Literature
- Pericles' famous funeral oration
- Her initial approach involved the provision of a system of one-a-day lections arranged by themes.
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- a three-year lectureship in English Literature
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
Articles Related to ‘व्याख्यान’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন