Meaning of व्यय in Bangla
- খরচ
- ব্যয়
- ব্যয়ের
- ব্যয় বরাদ্দে
- মূল্য আধিক্য
- বিস্তারযোগ্য
Meaning of व्यय in English
English usage of व्यय
- we do not need to expend energy working on our marriage
- the expenditure of taxpayers' money
- the expenditure of taxpayers' money
- we had ordered suits at great expense
- Anecdotal evidence suggests a growing number of Old Economy companies are moving away from stock options to restricted stock, which must be expensed on the income statement.
- a modest outlay on local advertising
- the ladder overbalanced on top of her
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অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন