Meaning of लबाडी in Bangla
- জনসমাবেশ
- লাম্পট্য
- অর্থহীন
- অর্থহীন কথা
- ফক্কিকরি
- প্রতারণামূলক
- গাইলিং
- ধাপ্পাবাজি
- ধাপ্পাবাজ
- ধোঁকাবাজি
- হোক্স
- নির্লজ্জতা
- বিরসতা
- নির্জীবতা
- অস্থির
- মন্দগতি
- মোয়াবীয়
- অপরদিকে তারা
- কড়া
- মৃতু্যবার্ষিকী
- প্রশংসাবাদ
- বৃথা বাক্য
- বদমাশী
- ঘর্ঘর শব্দকর
- লাফালাফি করা
- মিথ্যা
- পিঠ
- চর্ম
- সেয়ানা
- স্পোনিয়াস
- অদম্য
- ছদ্মবেশ
- বাজে গোপন কথা বলে
- কৌতূহল
- শূন্যতা
- অপমান
- জঘন্যতা
- মোম ব্যবসা
- টলমল
- নোংরা
- স্বেচ্ছাচারিতা
- দুর্বলতা
- কৃপণতা
- জিনিসপত্র
- পশম
Meaning of लबाडी in English
English usage of लबाडी
- Already video conferencing, e-commerce, and video entertainment are migrating to cyberspace, leaving behind the agoras , bazaars, and amphitheatres of the past.
- A long weekend at the seaside means drinking, drugging & general debauchery , yes?
- a temptation to fudge the issue and nudge grades up
- he talks gibberish
- it does what it says it does, with no design gimmickry
- gimmicky 3D effects
- he was accused of making hoax calls
- improving the tracing of calls has deterred many hoaxers
- I now have reason to believe that in unraveling a hoax I was hoaxed myself.
- he was accused of making hoax calls
- his arrogance and impudence had offended many
- persons whose blood pressure is more labile will carry an enhanced risk of heart attack
- disposable nappies
- These are sad stories, but they also are inspirational, heart-warming with a humanity not usually found in obits of more well-known people who make newspaper obituaries.
- the network has received plaudits for its sports coverage
- she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist
- that's assuming my rattletrap is fit for the road
- he scampered in like an overgrown puppy
- he scampered in like an overgrown puppy
- was he ill or was he shamming?
- she had a sly personality
- he remained a stalwart supporter of the cause
- the widespread vilification of politicians
- he has been vilified in the press
- Stasia wiggled her toes
- the devious wiles of the politicians
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