Meaning of रात का खाना in Bangla
- ডিনার
- ডিনার পরিষেবা
- নৈশভোজ
- রাতের খাবার
Meaning of रात का खाना in English
English usage of रात का खाना
- This includes luxury coach, motel accommodation, three breakfasts and dinners plus one lunch.
- Later dessert flatware, whether matching the dinner service or not, often had extra embellishment in the form of gilding and/or engraving.
- I was sent to bed without any supper
- I was sent to bed without any supper
Synonyms of ‘रात का खाना’
Antonyms of ‘रात का खाना’
Articles Related to ‘रात का खाना’
অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন