Meaning of बाग़ी in Bangla
- অসন্তুষ্ট
- বিদ্রোহী
- ধর্মবিষয়ে অস্বীকারকারী
Meaning of बाग़ी in English
English usage of बाग़ी
- the malcontent generals saw their role as leaders of this counterrevolution
- young people with a rebellious streak
- The Lancashire desolation and remoteness was a refuge for recusants - awkward people who were stubborn and resilient, and whose best expression was not in word but in action and a capacity to come back for more persecution.
- The Lancashire desolation and remoteness was a refuge for recusants - awkward people who were stubborn and resilient, and whose best expression was not in word but in action and a capacity to come back for more persecution.
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