Meaning of बहाना in Bangla
- নি: সরণ করা
- ফেলা
- ছুতা
- কজ্জল
- বাগাড়ম্বর
- ছদ্মবেশ
- অজুহাত
- চালা
- ধ্বজা
- ছলকাইয়া ত্তঠা
Meaning of बहाना in English
English usage of बहाना
- Another was more understated and had no caretakers but effused solemn peace in and of itself.
- Another was more understated and had no caretakers but effused solemn peace in and of itself.
- Another was more understated and had no caretakers but effused solemn peace in and of itself.
- Another was more understated and had no caretakers but effused solemn peace in and of itself.
- he did nothing to hide or excuse Jacob's cruelty
- their rhetoric about reducing intrusive federal rules is so much eyewash
- their rhetoric about reducing intrusive federal rules is so much eyewash
- a journalist masquerading as a man in distress
- the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move
- both varieties shed leaves in winter
- a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper
- a small-scale simulacrum of a skyscraper
- water slopped over the edge of the sink
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