Meaning of बदनामी in Bangla
- নিন্দাকরণ
- কলঙ্ক
- দুর্নাম
- অপমান
- অখ্যাতি
- মানহানি
- কলঙ্কারোপ
- কুখ্যাতি
- অপবাদ
- মানহানির
- কুত্সা করা
- অবমাননা
- সম্মানহানি
- কলঙ্কিত করা
- মর্যাদাহানি
- লাঞ্ছিত
- খচ্চর
- নীতিশূন্যতা
- পরাভূত করা
Meaning of बदनामी in English
English usage of बदनामी
- I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line
- I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line
- one of the top clubs in the country is close to bringing the game into disrepute
- the ignominy of being imprisoned
- the ignominy of being imprisoned
- a day that will live in infamy
- a day that will live in infamy
- she has a certain notoriety
- she has a certain notoriety
- they were accused of slandering the head of state
- they were accused of slandering the head of state
- she sued him for defamation
- she sued him for defamation
- he claimed that the article defamed his family
- he claimed that the article defamed his family
- he claimed that the article defamed his family
- his remarks were taken out of context in an effort to discredit him
- his remarks were taken out of context in an effort to discredit him
- if he'd gone back it would have brought disgrace on the family
- if he'd gone back it would have brought disgrace on the family
- a day that will live in infamy
- a day that will live in infamy
- she has a certain notoriety
- she has a certain notoriety
- that scoundrel sets a bad example for the other young men
- an attempt to subvert democratic government
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