Meaning of बजना in Bangla
- ঝনঝন
- ঝন্ আত্তয়াজ করান
- ঠং আত্তয়াজ
- ঝন্
- ঘণ্টাধ্বনি হত্তয়া
- মৃদু ঝাঁকি
- মুত্তাকীদের
- প্রচণ্ড আঘাত হানা
Meaning of बजना in English
English usage of बजना
- the steel door slammed shut with a clang
- the belfry still clangs its bell at 9 p.m.
- the belfry still clangs its bell at 9 p.m.
- the groan and clank of a winch
- Cassie bounced on the bed, clanking the springs
- the steel door slammed shut with a clang
- the clanking of machinery never stopped
- the groan and clank of a winch
- cash registers were dinging softly
- cash registers were dinging softly
- his head jiggles up and down as he speaks
- the water swashed and rippled around the car wheels
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